In the event of a power outage during a cold night, it is crucial to find a source of warmth. Sometimes, if a storm causes strong winds or even heavy snow to fall through, both trees and power lines may get damaged. When this happens, electricity could take several hours or even days to return.
Because a lot of the main household appliances require power to work, this can cause a problem in your daily routine. However, if your appliances are powered by gas, there’s a big chance the outage won’t be too much of an inconvenience as most of them can function properly without electricity.
Are Gas Fireplaces Fully Functional During A Power Outage?
Most types of gas fireplaces can work perfectly well without electricity, though some features may be unavailable. The first thing to do is confirm what kind of gas fireplace you have, in order to know if you can start it in the absence of power.
If you find that your gas fireplace requires electricity in any part of the ignition process, investing in a backup battery in case of emergencies would be the best step to take next.
Different Kinds Of Gas Fireplace Features In A Power Outage
Gas fireplaces come with varying ignition systems and features. Knowing which ones are built into your fireplace can help determine whether or not you can use it while the power is out.
Standing Or Vertical Pilot Light. These are capable of being manually lit up using either a lighter or matchstick. Because it is designed to use a thermopile-driven, self-generating millivolt system, electricity is not at all required.
You can tell if you have a standing pilot ignition system if your fireplace has a knob or switch that turns on and off. It should also display an igniter dial.
Fan or Blower. Gas fireplaces that have a fan or blower can still be used without electricity, but the fan or blower itself requires power. The upside is that they are not necessary for the gas fireplace to work nor will it go against any safety measures when kept off. The only difference is that while your gas fireplace can still generate heat, the radius the heat covers will be smaller without the fan or blower.
The purpose of a blower or fan is to help circulate the air within the room. It pushes warm air out and pulls cool air into the fireplace, ensuring the temperature remains consistently warm and cozy.
Are Gas Fireplaces Safe To Use In A Power Outage?
Generally speaking, it is still safe to use your gas fireplace in a power outage. The main precaution to take is ensuring your fireplace is properly vented. Without any ventilation, carbon monoxide can quickly build up indoors and have adverse health effects.
Luckily, built-in ventilation systems will still work without electricity, most especially with a fireplace insert or direct vent setup. If you have a ventless gas fireplace, we highly suggest limiting usage and also investing in a carbon monoxide detector.
At The Gas Connection, we have been servicing gas fireplaces, gas inserts, and other hearth appliances for over 40 years. Does your gas fireplace need a tune-up or repair? Reach out to us today at 303-466-4206 or to ensure you get the most out of your fireplace this winter.