A history of natural gas benefits. Historically, people have used different heat sources for their homes. While wood-burning fireplaces and stoves once dominated the market, natural gas is now the leader in many areas across the USA.
The world’s natural gas has been around since the dawn of time, but the ability to market it commercially is a new development in the history of the world.
Natural Gas Benefits | A Role in Religion
Gas has been under society’s feet for thousands of years, but people didn’t understand it or know that it could be harvested.
Fissures in the rock might allow gas to escape unnoticed until a lightning strike would ignite it. In one such case, the Greeks built a temple on the never-ending flame as they believed it to be of divine origin.
The Oracle of Delphi lived here and delivered prophecies inspired by the constant flame.
China Led the Way for Transportation and Intentional Use
It’s believed that the Chinese were the first to find a way to transport the gas so that it could be used to their benefit. They constructed bamboo pipelines that moved the gas.
They then used the reliable heat source to boil seawater, harvest the remaining salt, and make it palatable.
Commercial Use Comes from Britain
Britain led the way when it came to the commercial use of natural gas. They harvested natural gas produced by coal to run lighthouses and streetlights.
This revolutionary change occurred in 1780. It found its way to the United States in 1816. This is when it was being used to run the streetlights throughout Baltimore, Maryland.
The American Natural Gas Industry
One challenge with manufactured natural gas is that it’s not as energy efficient as the natural gas found below ground. In 1859, American Colonel Edwin Drake, a former railroad conductor, made history by digging a well and finding natural gas.
A two-inch diameter pipeline was built to turn to the nearby town of Titusville, PA, providing Americans natural gas that could be safely transported for easy use.
Natural Gas Benefits
Natural gas was once used almost exclusively to power lights. But, people have since discovered that it’s ideal for heating homes, running water heaters, operating dryers, and cooking.
It is the cleanest fossil fuel, and it’s extremely energy efficient. A more basic chemical compound than other fuels, it burns clean for little pollution. It also produces fewer greenhouse gases to help keep the planet clean.